ফিলিপিন্সের দক্ষিণ কোটাবাটো

হোলন এবং মাউন্টেন মেলিবিংয় (মাউন্ট। পার্কার) লেকing Mt. Melibingoy made breathing difficult, but Lake Holon completely took my breath away and ran with it.

Canoe deal with this? Mirroring the skies
Lois taking her turn to canoe, because she can. canoe.
Gay of Pinay travel Junkie and Edgar of Eazy Traveler
Tired, who? None of us bothered to take a rest. We were but paper clips drawn mercilessly to the huge liquid magnet before us. We snapped away, pausing every now and then to admire silently, as if worshipping.

When the dark finally defeated the dwindling light, dinner was ready. The cold, cold wind fostered an atmosphere optimal for reflection. but with someone serving a glass of rum every two minutes, the only reflection that happened was the lights from my phone bouncing off of my oily face.

Undisturbed water
Cold, bright morning at Lake Holon. photo by Gael Hilotin of Pinay Solo Backpacker
The next morning, I was one of the first to get up. like reflex, marched to the edge of the lake and basked in the gentle sun. I sat on a boulder and thought about the arduous climb the day before and dreaded the hike back down. Why do we like trekking and climbing mountains for hours even in uncaring weather? Two locals — canoeing, catching fish — passed by, rippling the lake’s surface that shimmered gracefully with every wave. There is no better pointer than Lake Holon.

How to get to Lake Holon: From the town proper of T’boli, ride a habal-habal to Salacafe. travel time is around 1 hour. From Salacafe, it’s a 3-4 hour trek over rugged terrain to Lake Holon.

ইউটিউবে আরও পরামর্শ ⬇

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